CAD Services And Technical Drawings
Delivering a full range of professional Solid Modelling, CAD and Engineering Design Services.
Each customer likes to work to a different level of detail, and with this in mind we understand the importance of working closely with all clients on all types of project. We ensure we meet exact requirements and fulfil the project specifications at all levels.
We produce and provide engineering drawings to the latest standards for sheet metalwork, fabrication, machining detailing and process layouts etc with the use of limits and fits and geometrical tolerancing.
2D & 3D CAD Services
Engineering Drawings
We can produce and supply 2D & 3D design across the UK - from the initial product design through to the final development stage.
Each customer likes to work to a different level of detail and with this in mind we understand it is vital to work closely with you to ensure we meet the exact requirements and fulfil the project specifications at all levels.
Traditional 2D drawings can be created from scratch in DWG and DXF format. Drawings can also be formatted to PDF form.
We can provide technical drawings for all requirements from full site layouts for pipework or planning details, to full engineering drawings – all produced to the latest standards with the use of limits and fits and geometrical tolerancing.
For more complex requirements we can build a CAD library of attributed blocks, giving you the option of planning on CAD yourself; you would be given an automatic parts list of the total floor/building layout to allow quicker processing into manufacture. This saves time counting items on a floor plan, whether it is furniture or other services, such as electrics. This can be done in a 2D (DWG,DXF) or 3D format as solid model, native block files (STL, IGES, PARASOLID, STEP).
Planning your space is key to maximising its facilities. We offer a full space planning design service to help you make use of all the available space in the most ergonomic way, with a focus on health and safety. We can produce both 2D and 3D images as required.
Space Planning
Whatever the nature or the scale of your project, Caddology Ltd can create DXF files from either a solid model or a simple sketch. DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) files are used in CNC machinery, where a profile can be imported directly into the CNC software. With extensive experience in this field, we provide a highly accurate service of excellent quality.
We are experienced and skilled in all methods of CAD file conversion and can assist with any type of project which may require the conversion of hand sketched images or diagrams etc into CAD format. We can also transfer from one CAD format to another or export as a PDF file as necessary, depending on your specific requirements.
CAD & DXF File Creation & Conversion Services